Sami Parker – Sami in Miami

My Soiled Maid – Sami Parker

Sami came visiting to wash my place. After I noticed her tiddies all I may suppose was wow. She appeared actually shy however, however one factor I do know will get folks out of their shell is cash. I needed to see what Sami was working with. I provided her Seven hundred {dollars} to wash bare. She was reluctant at first, however I assured her that was all she needed to do. I instructed her I’d not inform a soul…
She ultimately agreed and acquired bare. She began shifting round cleansing bare and that attractive physique had me bricked up. It was about all I may take. I pulled my dick out and started to fap. Sami caught me and requested if I wished her to go away. I instructed her I used to be sorry and if she would please let me end to her sizzling physique. She then caught me off guard when she requested me if she may assist. I stated positive, and he or she came visiting and sucked my dick so eloquently at first, then like a sloppy slut. I fucked her everywhere in the lounge knocking the underside out of her pussy. She simply cleaned the flooring so she let me cum in her mouth and didn’t spill a drop. Sami is welcome to return clear each week.

Models: Sami Parker