Bang Bus – Kaia Martin
We pulled up on Kaia and all I noticed was head lights. She wasn’t sporting a bra and all I might take into consideration was her tiddies. She has a cute smile as effectively, and I attempted exhausting to purchase her panties. We even acquired as much as a thousand {dollars} and she or he was not letting go of that thong. So, we settled on her simply getting bare and letting Jonathan really feel her up. Then Jonathan acquired all exhausting in his denims and acquired uncomfortable. He requested her as a gentleman ought to; if he might get bare together with her. Kaia was down, as a result of she wished to see what he was packing anyway. As soon as he pulled down his pants, she was very impressed along with his third leg, and began touching it. The 2 flirted a bit and it ended along with his dick sliding into her mouth. They started to fuck and she or he took Jonathan’s dick very effectively, as he fucked her throughout than van. He gave her an enormous load to the face and she or he was nonetheless all smiles. We dropped her off totally paid and we hope to come back throughout her once more actual quickly.